Episode 4

Published on:

30th Jul 2024

Overcoming the Fear of Man: A Deep Dive into Biblical Wisdom and Modern Realities

In this episode, we explore the concept of the 'fear of man' through a biblical and modern lens. Using Mark 6:4 as a starting point, we discuss how individuals can find themselves undervalued in familiar surroundings and the importance of stepping out of comfort zones. The conversation touches on the significance of supportive environments, personal experiences with family dynamics, and the role of evangelism in everyday interactions. Join us as we delve into overcoming anxieties, societal pressures, and the pursuit of purpose, all while maintaining a faith-based perspective.


Good afternoon. We are back another Sunday to talk about the fear of man.

Thanks On brutality We have light again That's about it everyone else is the same As they were we have one person in the audience. We do have a live audience Can we get the cam?

Discussing the Verse: A Prophet Without Honor

So today we talk about the fear of man and I don't know if we want to get into the verse where it talks about like a prophet is Not was the revered respected without honor in his own town tj had a question about that verse. Did you google the context of that and what that means? Not in the last week Wait, what was the verse? A prophet is without honor in his own town? Yeah, like that, the verse, the actual verse. Okay, let me pull it up. I actually don't know the actual verse.

Dang, so we're just yapping. Honestly, we're more prepared than this. Not me. No, because I'm just wondering if the context and just what the verse implies is something that we can relate to or is that something more of like I think we can relate to it. Well, what does it say?

Relating the Verse to Personal Experiences

So Mark 6, 4, Jesus said to them, a prophet is not without honor, except in his own town among his relatives and in his own home, I personally think it does apply because.

When you sent that topic, , my first thought is like the importance of kind of getting out of like your normal environment, because people that know you for your old self, it's going to be really hard for them to see you when you do. Yeah. When you finally rise and like become who you're supposed to be, sometimes people that know you are going to start hating and that's why I feel like it's important to be around like the right environment.

Maybe that's why Jesus had to leave his hometown. That was what I was thinking. And I do think. That to do kind of big things you need to leave. You need to get out of your comfort zone and probably you do need to leave where you live or If you don't leave you definitely need to get out of your comfort zone But the reason I want to talk about this verse is because it says your relatives and in your own home And I was thinking about myself this week and I was like, but I feel like my own relatives and my own home really supports me so I was like Am I wrong?

Do they secretly not? Or is this verse not just like concrete? Like, are there exceptions? Cause I think everything in the Bible says every word is tried over like silver in a furnace, like seven times. Like, I believe every single word in the Bible, I just want to say. We can't be taking the word every word in the bible literally though A lot of it is metaphoric exactly and even then it's There's so many uh Cross references within it That if you were just to try take it literally you'd be missing out on so much of what there is on the page  I use the ESV app and there's cross references. So, Jeremiah 12 6, For even your brothers and the father of your, the house of your father, even they have dealt treacherously with you. They are in full cry after you.

Do not believe them, though they speak friendly words to you.  Whoa. Are your parents secretly ops? Oh, that's what I'm trying to think. That's what I'm trying to contemplate on this week. And I was thinking about this and not just my parents because obviously I live with my cousins in Canada. I was in my aunt, my uncle, do they really support me? But I don't know what to like do with that. How do I act different? Do I act different? No. What does this mean? I feel like they maybe like By accident could be like not really completely supporting you  I'm speaking from my own experience if I were to come up to my parents and speak my truth and be like Hey, I do not really want to pursue the Medical like a medical career any longer.

It would literally like be Groundbreaking for another big. Oh my gosh, like I cannot support this they would even like try and threaten me In a way like there's like what we won't financially support you in this, you know it has to be their way they put that on us and their expectations and whatnot.

And if we don't really meet them, they could, you know, out of love in their own way, kind of try and stop you and not entirely support you, but that might not be the right thing for you.  Yeah.

The Importance of Environment and Support

I have a question for y'all. Okay. So we live in Calgary, right? Who can you name from Calgary who made it big? Tate McRae.

Yeah, does she still live here? No, no colleen diaz. She left. Oh, she comes back not that much She's in london right now. You know who else? Um, dr. Dabney Dr. Dabney. No, who's the guy that does insanely chill cody co he's from calgary interesting and he's in la right now But don't you guys find that like that's a repeating pattern like the people who make it they they don't stay here  That's for a reason because like even jesus himself like if he stayed in nazareth where he's from People are like yo, isn't that joseph's kid?

You He's doing this and that yeah, so I think there's something powerful when you go somewhere else and kind of like take what you're doing There because even I was talking to someone with my brand and they're like yo Now you get so much recognition if you went somewhere else like people actually mess with you more if you took your brand somewhere else Other than Calgary.

Yeah, and I feel like TJ you can probably relate to this like it's probably Do you think it's better to take like what you're doing somewhere else rather than your hometown? Oh, yeah, like you're from I mean I leave calgary a lot like I travel a lot so I was also thinking about this in terms of Well, i'm not from calgary.

I live here right now. I've only been here about a year and a half And it's like i've been thinking a lot this week about Do I need to leave calgary? but You know, you have to be based somewhere. To have your Your business registered somewhere even at the least you have to have your taxes somewhere Like i've technically already left his place and then I left that place and then I left and then I came here So I've already like left three places like I've already left my hometown which was London exactly I think it's more of a metaphor of like the place of comfort the place of familiarity.

 Yeah, I was gonna touch on that I feel like if you stay in your comfort zone and people around you you're stuck with this Over familiarity of who people are so they perceive you of because they've known you for so long They can't comprehend what you're doing. So that's why even, even after when you're reading the gospels, Jesus comes back to his hometown after performing all these miracles and it says, Jesus couldn't perform miracles because of their lack of, because of their lack of belief or because of their unbelief.

Their brains couldn't comprehend what Jesus Was doing because they they thought this the perception of him was like this when he was a kid   I heard someone say that it wasn't that he couldn't perform the miracles is that they didn't even come out for him Dang, oh wow, he like because he always drew a crowd.

So everyone's like oh gs in town. We don't care We're staying home. We know him, you know, yeah, we know him like i've seen him before nothing exciting here it be your own that don't support you. Yeah, you know I would say I've had that experience like as a person even um nigerian If the nigerian community came together, we would wreck y'all, but we hate each other That's so yeah, y'all would take over easily, but we don't we literally don't support ourselves.

It's so bad It's true. You guys are very prideful 100 big time. Well, why yeah, that's Why is that like culturally I feel like even culturally everyone is always hitting on each other mm hmm can't lie the Indians are winning They actually support each other maybe maybe it starts from the home Cause they have a big family, multi generational structure.

So that's like, it builds an inherent, like we support each other versus here. It's like, yeah, everyone's on their own thing. But like, yo, I can't even lie. Even what I'm doing with my brand and like with the entrepreneur stuff, content creation, I found it very hard just to get my feet off the ground because I felt like no one was supporting me.

Like I started young, like when I was in like middle school and even back then, bro, it was like, it was like, bro, like. I couldn't even pull out the camera without someone saying something like yo, you're never gonna make it or like what are you doing? You know what I mean? So yeah, I wish I never listened to those thoughts because now i'm realizing way bigger Yeah, now i'm now i'm realizing like me starting what i'm doing is now Birthing like a lot of people trying to start their own things like for example, like the vlogs I don't want to say like I did it first, but I low key did.

Temmie did it, a guy named Vito did it. I'm sorry. I'm not saying, I'm not saying you did it because of me, but. I mean, he said that I inspired him because you inspired me. Exactly. So it goes around. This thing's going around. The community, you're around a hundred percent. And even, yeah, I would say even with like this podcast, like TJ, you actually really supported me.

I feel not even like you didn't even do that much, but I don't know. You were just like, Oh, you got a lot. I do it. Don't be a yapper. like, yes. And like, you know, yeah. Your community. 100 percent will influence you. It's like you are the five closest friends around you. So if you have that right community, you're going to lock in so much more.

And then same thing with the familiarity of your old community. If you're in a community where people make 50k a year and that's it, you're going to have that mindset of, Oh, I'm going to make 50k a year versus if you're around people that are making 10 million a year, you're going to have that mindset.

Like, okay, I can make 10 million. That's a possibility for me. Same person in both circles. It's just that mindset and what it opens you up to, right? You need people to help you, I think, in things you do in life. A lot of people, especially nowadays, try and be like, I can do it on my own. I can do everything on my own.

I'm like a monk mode. I'm self made. No one's self made. I truly believe no one's self made. God made. God made. I like that. Yeah, that's fire. And there's a, there's actually a guy in England that I, I don't know him personally, but his Instagram bio, he's, he's done well for himself. Well, his bio says, I'd like to think of myself as a self made man, but my parents would disagree.

I just think that's such a like funny bio. You know caption of himself. He's aware of that. I don't know if his parents gave him his money, but You need people to help you to be better and improve yourself And yeah, if you around people that all make the same money and you want to make double that It's pretty hard to make double that when you don't know anyone making double that true And you're not hanging out with those people so So why don't people like?

Okay Let's say you want to do something and like let's say no one's supporting you You Why do you think that happens fear of man?

Overcoming the Fear of Man

Cook this is what we're getting into today. A lot of people are too afraid to To start something because of what other people are gonna say or what they're gonna think Like I wanted to be a youtuber since I was probably nine eight Um, but for a long time I would make videos and I would be frustrated because I was like this these aren't good enough And I would be afraid of what people were gonna say or think of me.

That's me, bro all kinds of things like You know, whatever, who knows what they could say. And I was afraid of that, but over the years I just kept trying and I wouldn't give up on it. And as I got more and more confident, you know, I still, if I go to an event and there's like 25 people, not 25, like a ton of people, 2, 500 people, whatever it is, I'm still a little bit nervous to like vlog in front of everyone and yell.

That's not really my style. Like, I just don't really enjoy doing that even like what you guys did when you came to the car meet That I hosted a few weeks ago And you guys went around talk to everyone like I was like dang like I mean, maybe it's because I know most of those people but like I would be I think that comes back to what we were talking about where if I went and talked to them about jesus which I do they all know that i'm a christian, but They'd be like tj like I know you, like, of course, you don't need to shove Jesus down my throat, I already know you're a Christian.

But if you come around and talk to them, they don't know you. And so then they're like, they don't really know how to react. And then you say one thing, and like, you know, they're afraid of you. As much as you're nervous about them. Facts.

That's empowering when you realize that that everybody has fear Anxiety and it's like once you realize that they have fear Like, you know, I don't know to me. It just it's such it shuts me off. Like honestly Fear of man is so important to overcome. I think everyone needs to take it seriously. Cause once you get over that, you're literally unstoppable.

Like you're invincible. No one can touch you because you just don't care. They don't know what to do. Cause like they're going to play on your insecurities, but you don't have any. And like the thing is, um, it doesn't matter who it is. Like I would, the other week I went to this event and it was like a charity event for business people in Calgary.

Like, but not like young people, like old people, like old money type of Been in the business for like 50 years type stuff. Everyone's old, you know, literally everyone is actually old. There we go. They're older. I was there

and as these two guys, I was just sitting there, standing there, listening to the conversation. And one of them had just sold his like, oil business, where they make stuff for oil rigs in Alberta. And the other one, I don't even know what he did. But, as I was talking to this guy, I would ask him questions, I'd look him dead in the eye.

I would eat my food, listen to what he says, let them talk. And like, I could just tell, even though this guy had just sold his company for, I don't know how much money. He was like didn't quite know what to think of me what to say to me how to react to me Wow, he like had no idea he was kind of like You know, he just kept making kind of like awkward eye contact with me and not knowing what to say So it doesn't matter who it is They're afraid of you and they don't know how to react and if you did just like unfaltering confidence They're gonna be like, yeah.

Whoa   Everyone everyone has their own fears and I'm like an outgoing guy So people always ask me like, oh, how do you talk to people? I'm like you just go up to them. Hi, and they're like, what if I'm weird?

What if they think I'm weird? You I always say, you know what they're thinking they're thinking the same thing. What if i'm weird to you? Yeah, so it's literally like just it's canceling off. So literally if you just go up to someone There's no reason for you to be afraid because they're on their own.

 They're thinking of themselves So if you're yourself, you're calm. I have something called awkward risk. It's good riz. Trust me So here's how it works. You're just really awkward I'm just like really weird to start, even if I'm not naturally weird, just cause then it like makes them feel less awkward.

And then we're both comfortable and they, cause I'm just doing it to make them relax, honestly. Like I'll say something weird and then like, boom, the ice is broken and we're both free. So honestly, sometimes again, you can use it to your advantage or another thing I'll hear people say is, Oh, I'm really anxious right now.

Good riz because you just broke the ice because the next person's like, oh i'm awkward too or i'm shy or and then like We're both free. We're not trying to impress each other not working out the ego. We're just like vibing What I was just gonna say is just like if you shy away from Like, you know opening up to people you're gonna miss out on so many opportunities.

So true and I like this is like a small thing I was at a restaurant with my friend and we were just like really nice to the service and like my friend was just like, I don't want to know how to talk to them. And I was like, you know what, like, like advocating for yourself and just like introducing yourself to people.

And, uh, we ended up getting like the managers to like, All the managers were like at our table, talking to us, we got free food, we got, literally, they just, and I'm like, don't you have to like get back to work, they're like, nah, nah, nah, doesn't matter, we'll just stay here, and we just like yapped while they were working, and then they were like, please come back again, like, we had such an amazing time, and, uh, there's just like so many different opportunities that, um, even if you're in an awkward situation, Just say what you want to say just like how are you like make them feel comfortable and make yourself feel comfortable So it's just like like you were saying break the ice and just let the conversation flow Cuz if you're gonna be like in your head the whole time You're just gonna miss out on so much and that's going to haunt you more, you know, in my opinion, that would haunt me more.

 Just like, bro, that reminds me of something. I remember when I went to Toronto last summer, I was just staying with my auntie. And then she has like, she lives in like near a plaza where there's like Walmart, Goodwill, all those things. And there's one day I'm not really a thrifter. So I decided to go to like the Goodwill.

And I remember I saw a girl there and I was just like, boy, you know, I know. I know no one in Toronto. So I asked the girl, I was like, yo, you trying to put together an outfit for me? And then we had a good time, you know what i'm saying? It wasn't anything romantic or anything, but like it was just like it was proper You know what i'm saying?

And I feel like a lot of us in canada or even in the western world We shy away from like strangers or we think people are just gonna hurt us or like people are just weird Even if we walk on a street Like we just put our head down and we don't even acknowledge anyone and it's something that kind of makes me like mad you know like every time I try to walk every time I walk by someone I try to like At least acknowledge them, you know what I mean?

And a lot of people don't do that and I kind of find it sad and annoying.   Like you said you miss out on so many things So many opportunities and missing on so many valuable people that could have been added to your life true, like I have a story where I was in the UFC.

There's this engineering building and um, I I was literally in the second floor. I was just walking There's these bike things where you go you put it on the laptop and then you're just you're studying while also on a bike Though and there was like a girl three bikes down beside me And I was contemplating, I was like, should I go talk to her?

And it took me like five minutes, and I just went up and talked to her. And it sparked a whole new friendship, where I didn't even know because I knew her and now we're like best friends. And then she introduced me to her sister who was in my degree, and now we're all in the same friend group. And then she also introduced me to other people, and all just because I talked to her.

And me and her always act like, talk like. What if I just went past her? What if I didn't even talk to her? What I, what would be our lives today?  That's good. And it's just like, bro, just don't screw that up for you, bro. I mean, what did you say to her? I literally, she was Filipino. I was like, are you Filipino?

Yeah, that's the best convo starter. Literally, literally, like where they're from. Some people hate that question though and get offended. No, sorry, actually, it wasn't that. I was like, really? Some people get offended they're like why are you asking me that and i'm like because i'm curious Like people get offended people think it's racist, but i'm like, how is it racist?

Like i'm just curious. I don't know Really?

Evangelism and Serving Others

Don't worry, but don't worry about those One of the millions to be honest   the cool thing about what you're saying is like, this is evangelism, like, this is the heart of evangelizing. It doesn't have to be like, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. I think evangelizing is just talking to people, getting to know people, seeing people, loving people.

And then if you have the opportunity to speak about Jesus, then that is beautiful. So it's like, yeah. When people say, oh, have anxiety, or I talk about evangelizing people, so many Christians, they don't want to do it, even though it's literally a core part of our faith. And I'm like, 'cause of the fear of man, because of the fear of man, 'cause of anxiety.

And I'm like, that's why for me, these things are not casual. Like we think anxiety's cute. It's not cute, it's demonic because it goes against the great commission. It really does. Keeps you isolated as well.  Keeps you I it's, it's dramatic. I'm sorry. Boring. No, but I feel like people also make it a personality trait.

Yes. Oh, I'm even depression. I'm just an introvert. For people who actually have real depression, I feel bad for the ones that deliverance, , , you know? But I feel bad for people just undermining it,

the thing is that people also just want people to feel bad for them, which is You literally get dopamine from having other people sympathize for you So when when you go ahead and post that tiktok video, you're getting the likes you're getting in the comments You're getting that out like just the outreach and the engagement.

It's like oh, yeah, this is feeling good So that's how they stimulate themselves a lot of people They look to others for how they should feel internally, they look for external validation rather than intrinsic validation, which is, which is the true source of it all, right? Like, when you have Christ within you, the hope of glory living, it shows in the way you live, the way you walk, and the people they interact with.

I feel like when you say that, oh, you have to, you know, actively evangelize. No, I wasn't saying actively, like, trust me. I don't, I don't, I have those thoughts of, oh, should I talk to a person? I don't follow it half the time. I'm not like saying everyone has to all the time, but, um, I'm saying evangelizing can be as simple as acknowledging somebody, you know, just that appreciation, like smiling at that old lady across the road, like those simple acts of loving your neighbor is part of the great commission, you know, but people don't even do that because of the society we live in and the anxiety and all this stuff, the fear of man, keep cooking though.

 We're also just afraid to give. We're really selfish. We live lives for ourselves and  that's part of what makes us who we are. I guess gets us caught. It's a trap really because when you live life for yourself, you really don't live, you don't have much to live for, you know, that's that's where you find yourself depressed.

That's where you find yourself and anxious because all you're thinking about is yourself for the next couple of minutes. But when you step out of this box of of yourself and that frame framing of living for yourself, you're able to look at another person and say, Hey, this is another, this is, This is someone just like me, living a life, this is a son, daughter, sister, brother, you know, this person's loved.

And when you give them a second or an opportunity to be seen by another person, you're allowing them to see Christ in you as well.  Like, it's through the listening, it's through the being present, it's through just that act of showing up. You know, like we really take up take showing up for granted because it's like, oh, this is just a mundane thing Like we're just let's go through the motions but the thing is when you make it your motion to get into other people's lives and create motion with them and Even just like plant seeds that they can, you know, choose to water when you're not there.

That's when you begin to cultivate the gardens of life around you. And like it's literally your grandchildren's children that are, that are gonna be able to like enjoy the, the fruits of your labor. Because you don't do it for you. You do it for the world around you. You do it to bring, You bring, you do it to bring God's kingdom onto the earth.

And even what you said about validation people seeking that the Like something that really freed me is like let's say even walking into church It's so easy to walk in church and be like, oh I Hope someone validates me today. I hope someone prays for me versus now. My mindset is like, instead of going to church or anywhere hoping to be validated, my thought is how can I validate someone else?

How can I love someone else? Cause that's under my control. I don't control if someone validates me, but I can choose to be that person. And it's so freeing and it's yeah, it's so much better. Cause like, I don't know. I take everything with a grain of salt, a compliment or insult, insult. Like I don't really let it get, cause it's, it's, it's fleeting.

It's temporal.  It feels good for like half a second. And then I like, don't care, you know, like it, I don't know. Does anyone else feel like that? I feel you. It's so empty versus like, if I can do something for someone, that's like way nicer. And then you're giving that half a second compliment.

. Like I personally just don't hold those things to have a lot of weight personally, but I know for other people it can. Yeah. You know, because I just feel like it can boost your ego or whatever. It can get bad.  Yeah. Would you say then, with what I just heard you say, I feel like fear is definitely selfish then and like with the whole validation thing when Jesus called us to like what you're doing is you're serving others when you go up to somebody you've asked them about their day you get to know them you're serving them and Jesus called us to be servants serving like being a servant isn't for our validation it's to help somebody else it's to serve somebody else so when you are in fear that literally means you are being you're being selfish Essentially because you want the validation instead of being a servant to somebody else. 

Preach Fulfillment. Mm hmm. Oh, yeah, a lot of people in the Western world are depressed right now because they don't serve anyone else except themselves exactly professions in America with the lowest suicide rate and teaching is the number one. Wow.

Lowest suicide rate surprisingly.  What's the highest? The highest? Yeah, it was doctors, dentists were actually up there. Aren't those people who serve? Yeah, but I think, and I looked at other countries, doctors aren't the highest. I feel like America it's private health care, right? So there's a lot of debt. It can ruin people's lives.

It's actually not necessarily a good thing. Yeah. Yeah. This could be a different topic, but. Like I guess even in the west, just the medical field, there's very the people I talked to who are doing who are planning to go to med school, Very few of them actually want to go there to help people. They're going there because they know you're going to make a lot of money.

So I feel like that's, yeah, for their parents, it's not even for serving. It's because I want money. But of course, you know, that's, that's not everybody. You know what I'm saying? But I feel like that's is primarily in the West. It's kind of like that.  And it's easy to look down on them for doing that in the first place, but it's a means to an end.

Exactly. Like that money is, can be used to serve, Either through, you know, donation or even sponsoring of a, of a, of an individual or kids like we You're able to evangelize whether in many different ways and like the second you try to just put into a box then Then you're limiting the power of God And that's not what we're called to do like God can work in every single facet of our lives Even in the vocations that we actively choose You Choose not to explore, you know, like that's that's a choice in of itself and It's all played out and represented there.

 So yeah, we're not hating on doctors. We love doctors. Imagine a doctor trying to work on your body just for the money A lot of them though, like let's not be like that.

We love our doctors, but most of them are here for the bag Respectfully, and they do not care about you, real talk. Especially like, cause like you said, America's private It's all, well, I don't know about America specifically, but in the Philippines, man, it's so corrupt I know like people just are keeping patients there, even though they can cure them just for an extra paycheck It's insane, bro.

Crazy. It's sick.  Yeah Yeah Um, even like when we get like encouraging messages during like services at church through like if you're called to do this you're called to do that if you're called to go into ministry that's amazing and you can serve people like a lot but even if you're called in areas like medicine or teaching or you know carpentry or like yeah banking whatever it is if that's what God is calling you to do then he has a plan on your life and you're going to you.

 Be ministering and walking Like walking in faith every single day during what doing whatever it is that you're called to do So it doesn't necessarily have to be like ministry where you're like in it every single day. It could be just like, you know Helping somebody open up an account and just having a good conversation That could start something, you know planting that seed   I think ultimately it's like being obedient to whatever God's calling you to and then let's circle back to your original point about like your family Where sometimes your family has an idea of what they think you should do But you know in your heart God's calling you to do something else Most honestly most of the time if you're walking full obedience You There, there's gonna be some at least resistance of like, are you sure?

Like there's no money in that. Or like just doubt, right? Especially if it's a creative field, for example, oh, I'm supposed to be a rapper. Your parents are most likely gonna shut that down, even though what if you really are though and you're gonna be like having someone has to be. Yeah. That's how I always think about it.

 Mm, that's true. There's a song that I listen to by Caleb Gordon, if you guys are familiar with him. We love CB Christian. Christian Rapper. Yeah, of course. What song? What song? What song? Song? It's a low key song. I think it's called like Frostbite. It's like one of his Christmas songs, but basically he says in the intro, he says, everyone's going to tell you to do it this way, do it that way.

But he's like, nah, you got to do it the way that God told you to do it. You know what I mean? So like a lot of people, yeah. A lot of people will tell you to do it this way, do it that way. You got to listen to what God's saying. You know what I mean?  And like, bro, it's, it honestly makes me sad because speaking on the topic of fear, man, like a lot of the friends that I, that I had in high school acquaintances, Like whatever they're doing right now in university was just because of their parents.

Right. And like I just generally feel bad because Like I just look at my life and their life. I'm like, okay I'm doing what God is telling me to do, but they're not doing what God is telling them to do I'm like wondering how they feel You know what I mean?  Yeah, I mean like touching on sorry touching on that Jesus did not have the fear of man Amen, he broke every single jewish tradition He broke he came down and broke the traditions of what of the man The ten commandments he broke that the law of the sabbath He broke that like all these things jesus did not have the fear man All these pharisees were talking to him about hey, what are you doing?

What are you doing? What are you doing? Dang, it wasn't deep. He didn't even he didn't acknowledge. He didn't really acknowledge him. He rebuked them for being hypocrites Right. So with us is You If we're gonna call it to be like Jesus, why do we have the fear of man? Facts. Yo, even Jesus says like, even your own brother, sister, mother, father, uncle, everyone's gonna hate you just because you follow me.

 You know what I mean? He broke the Ten Commandments? How do I explain this? The Pharisees followed Ten Commandments front and back. But in like a religious in a religious way, yeah, that's what I meant instead of following the spirit and that's another verse I don't know where it is but it's like Um, it's talking about how like first we had the law like the letter of the law like the ten commandments But now we have something greater than the law, which is faith.

Yeah, which is the spirit. Do you guys know cognitive dissonance?

No idea. Cognitive dissonance is what all your friends are feeling right now in school. Where there's something in their heart, or they have a belief system, but they're not living out their belief system, right? Jeez. , it's when you don't live what you feel, right?

And that's where you're gonna find yourself when you aren't when you don't have the fear of god You have the fear of man and you're thinking about let's say other external pressures So anyways, he has this whole frame framework. There's a dream you have, right?

And it's like, it seems like an impossible task. You can either choose to just, um, not pursue it and just like live in that resentful stage of the cognitive distance, or you can pursue it despite the odds. And that's living a life of faith. You know what I mean? And you have to like, I don't know.

Sorry, I think I lost my point. No, I get you. No, I was, but yeah, cognitive dissonance. And like, there's no peace in that life though. So it's like, even though there's the resistance of the rejection of people, at least you have the peace knowing that you're in God's will. Versus you're living for everyone's approval, but you don't have peace.

And you know you're missing on your potential and you're just, meh. I don't want that life. True. I don't think any of us want that life. We're all ballers. We're all, not ballers. We're all like, No cap. For real. We out here. In love. Yeah. Are we following our dreams for real guys? Yes, I am. I am. After these conversations, I'm like, yeah.

Who knows? I'm locking in, bro.  

Purpose and Fulfillment

I feel like a big thing is purpose, there's a lot of purposeless people and people will, you know, take, take, you know, what they're consuming and make that their God or, they make that a part of their purpose or a part of their identity.

 And those are like finite things, things that will pass away. And that's why. It's so easy to Get to a point in life where you might have it all you might have that dream job you might have That dream dog in the dream house and everything and it's like it's not enough,  you know, there's still something missing There's a bigger fish personally Like I think I remember when I was 10 years ago watching people on YouTube and doing things and getting to drive these cars and like tour these collections and then the last few years like I got to that, like I got to do that.

 I got to drive, you know, you know, These cars and I got to like go and film the collections and like travel and do that and I just like there's been times where I've been Like I've had what anyone else would see and even myself ten years ago be like that's like it couldn't get better than that But then I feel like empty sometimes like there's no way this is it like this can't be everything because I just did it And that's, it doesn't fill me, like, it doesn't help anyone almost.

I guess so. And so I've really been thinking about this a lot the past year. Um, as I've kind of got to that point where I got to do a lot of the stuff, and I'm like, okay, what, what do I really want to do? Like, what actually matters more? What's going to help people? Because I think everyone's purpose, Revolves around helping people.

 Mhm. 100%. Kingdom building. Yeah. Exactly. Jesus did not come to be served but to serve. He modeled what the ideal life looks like. Dying. That's what I want to do. You want to die? Yeah. I know you've been thinking about death a lot. Yeah. Are you okay? Yeah. I've been thinking, I've been thinking about it. Cause like I,  my goal kind of in my life, like ideal would be, you know, do everything I can to bring community to people around me.

And then, you know, basically get my entire life towards doing that. Hmm. And like i'm willing to sacrifice Whatever I need to to do that Like if I don't get married if I don't have a family if I don't have kids, but I can bring  More community to people stop Why are you laughing at that? No, i'm not laughing at you.

I'm laughing at tristan because the way he looked at you Bro, did he give you a side eye? That's just my Thing like i'm willing to sacrifice that stuff. That's respectful if I can achieve greater community for other people because You Like, having a wife is great, having that stuff is great, but then you have it.

And it's like, Hey, I mean that, and then I don't think many people are like this. Yeah, bro. Got that. Paul calling, we're going to call you Paul. Now we should, that's just my goal. No, we're not hating on you. This is all of us laughing. I'm not afraid of doing it. Anyway, we're modeling like low key, the negative of like, if he tells you his dream and you hit him with the, I'm not saying you're not going to, but I'm saying that's good though.

Because you can be in a room with people and you can tell them what you want and they can laugh at you but you gotta Be persistent and know what you really want and know what god's calling you. I love that confidence. I love that confidence That's good. I love that.

Conclusion and Wrap-Up

Yeah, but we will catch you guys next week for part two because It has to go home.

No, I don't have I thought I thought I mean my mom is blowing up my phone Yeah, like i'm trying to give you a way out of here. I mean you gotta go home. Yeah I'm home actually if you guys want to cut it out. Yeah, don't see a man. Yeah, that's why i'm here But my mom's like i'm busy. Yeah Actually, but honor your mother and father still, eh?

Okay. Okay guys, this was really good. We're gonna wrap it up though. What's the topic for next week? Part two. No way we're done. Just kidding, you guys can be done. Do you think we're done or is there more? If we do part two, you have to come back. What? Yeah. Why do you look so sad? Bro's out of it. Yeah bro, if I'm gonna be Sundays, I spend in bed.

I feel you. You guys should join me sometime. What? I don't want to join him. Get out. Get out. Okay, okay. Get out. Only your wife can do that with you. Flip finger. I don't know where to end this.

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Rooted in Reality
Many perspectives, One reality.
Listen in to a conversation from this diverse friend group as they explore the problems GenZ faces in society. Trying to discern what is a secondary opinion and what is the truth. Especially in the face of complex relationships, how can we remain rooted in the love of God through every decision we make? Our hosts are willing to be real, and might sometimes be wrong, so join the conversation and help us to become more rooted in reality. Our hosts include business entrepreneurs, social media influencers, students, clothing brand owners, car guys, and just overall creatives trying to walk in their calling.Along with special guests, the show remains interesting as the diversity of opinions considers the truth.